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  • Some random thoughts about the gay condition

  • Sartre once said that the society offers gay people two choices.
    • The first is to live in a lie, withhold your sexuality and therefore deny your true self.
    • The other is to assume who you are, thus reveal that your gay, but take the risk that the society might eventually curtail you to your sexuality.
  • Hence, for Sartre, around 1950, gay people had no real choice.
    • It sad to see that things did not change that much, since then.
  • Of course, we have made progress...
    • Here in France, for instance same-sex mariage is legal since 2013...
  • And the law tends to promote acceptance towards the LGBTQ+ people...
    • (I also think that theses are a lot of letters :p)...
    • However when it comes to discuss about the global mindset a lot of bigotry remains.
  • And even though everyone does not think that way, the lecture of Sartre is still relevant.
    • As you decide to coming out, a large majority of people, even those who are tolerant, will refer at you through your sexuality.
    • Since I decide to accept who I am, I have noticed two behaviors.
    • One consist in, avoid the reality, talk to me like a was a straight person.
    • And somehow show me that I'm worth talking to at the very condition that even though I don't, I pretend to like women.
    • The other, is the people that accept you only if you match their expectations, if you act like the gay they have seen in Glee and so on.
  • Nevertheless, I have met some wonderful people, that understand and take in consideration in the way they behave that being gay does not define who you are, not by an inch.
    • Ultimately being gay in 2017, mostly means that you will always have to strive to be fully recognize...
    • But it's also means that you are part of an amazing community, and whatever how harsh things might seem sometime, you are never completely alone.