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  • The Big Thing

    • In the last 100 years, scientists have probably made more discoveries and inventions than the previous millennium.
    • The science is following a pace like never before.
    • It is difficult to be up-to-date about what is happening on the scientific community, read newspapers lead to an amusement of how much has been done at the same time.
  • Within 100 years, many relevant things happened; Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity and changed the way we see the universe.
    • The medicine has made significant advances on researches to cure diseases, it seems only a matter of time until we read the news about the cure of the AIDS or the discovery of an efficient treatment for cancer, further, vaccines were created to prevent the dead of millions of people by diseases which have killed millions before.
    • The aviation has also made incredible things, transforming the world into a small place, there are no more impossible lengths to cross, at least, not in the planet.
    • However, any of those inventions or discoveries caused a great impact on the world as the internet is doing.
    • The network which connect electronic devices through the planet is changing many aspects of life, from the countries' economy to the shopping list of a housewife.
    • The internet is responsible for the change of big players on business.
    • As an illustration, the Napster and other platforms to share music modified the phonographic industry on its bases.
    • Nobody else buys CD's and many people download music for free, without paying anything to anyone, and the same have been observed with books and movies.
    • The sales of newspapers decrease to alarming levels in the last few years, and many famous journals are close to the bankrupt.
    • In contrast, many new companies emerged and are playing an important role in the market, like Apple and its iPhones or Google and its powerful search engine and other services.
    • Secondly, the rise of online social networks have changed the way people relate with others.
    • Most of the people have a profile on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn or Instangram.
    • Instead of call each other or meet on a bar, sometimes people prefer make a hangout reunion on Google Plus.
    • A great number of relationships started on the internet and continued through biggest commitments like marriage.
    • Click on the 'like' button on the Facebook has a lot of potential meanings, we do not only talk or write to our friends anymore, we put or lives on a wall.
    • Furthermore, the internet is responsible for spreading information on a scale never saw before.
    • If something happening in the US, it is news within minutes on Japan.
    • The Wikipedia is more complete and reliable than any other paper encyclopedia.
    • Good quality knowledge is no more an exclusivity of colleges or to a small elite, it is now tangible for anyone with a computer and an internet connection.
    • The literacy level of people is rising, and it will rise more in the next years.
    • The internet is making of us smarter people.
    • We are living a new renaissance age.
  • The old norms and social structures which ruled the world are gritting and shortly it will fall apart.
    • It is a wonderful time to live, it is a chance to make history and make the world a better place for those who not born yet.
  • Then, they are going to remember us for more than 100 years.

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