Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Giúp sửa lỗi ngay!Không quan tâm

Văn bản từ jwanajojo - English

    • I am twjehe

    • i am twjehe , the last year at school then go to the university i must study a lot i wish to get a high mark to study medicine and will the first pray for me

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
    • i am twjehe , the last year at school then go to the university i must study a lot i wish to get a high mark to study medicine and will the first pray for me
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • iI am tTwjehe ,I am at the last year at school t.Then I will go to the uUniversity

      must study a lot i.I wish to get a high marks to study medicine and will the first ¶
      get first position.¶
      ray for me.
    • i am twjehe , the last year at school then go toi was student til last year then i was accepted in the university¶
      i must study a lot i wish to get a high mark to study medicine and will the first ¶
      pray for me
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 1