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  • Compensation to gay men convicted under historical sex laws

  • Hello !
    • I will talking about law project, wich should be voted in Germany during October.
  • This project has an important aim : the invalidation of homosexual condemnations.
    • German Minister of Justice declared thirty thousand millions euros will be reserved for indemnisation.
    • The German government has announced it will compensate more than 50,000 men were jailed for being gay.
    • These condamnations existed because of an old law, precisely, article one hundred and seventy five of German criminal Code : it remained since 1871 and forbided, at the same time gay sexual relations and relations between human and animal.
    • A lot of men sended to jail or concentration camp during Nazi Germany, because the repression was hardened with this autoritarian regime.
    • A nazi law provided for punishment forced labor to ten years.
  • So, it is easy to understand why the government has taken the decision to rehabilitate the victims.
    • Sadly, this life-saving initiative occurs too late : indeed, a lot of convicted persons are deceased today.
  • Nevertheless, their memories will be cleared.
    • In spite of this, today, gay mariage is'nt allowed in Germany...
    • But the minds are evolving, bye-the-bye law project shows this.