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Văn bản từ ushakova - English

    • swine

    • One of the increase of productive qualities of pigs is studying interior features.
    • The blood is in a functional connection with the main types of animal productivity.
    • The interior researches make possible to predict the future swine performance.
    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in blood has positively correlation with the meatiness, fertility and growth.
    • Its determines the level of productivity of animals.
    • The article provides the results of research about interior parameters of pigs with different genotypes.
  • The studies were conducted under conditions of “Freedom Farm Bacon”, Kherson region.
    • The interior researches of pigs performed at 4 months of age with the following by indicators and techniques such as: total protein content - Biuret method, the activity of aminotransferases (AST and ALT) - Reitman and Frenkels method listed in the directory by V.V. Menshikov.
  • The object of the research was on the pigs Large White breed and hybrids: Large White × Landrace, Duroc × Pietrain and Pietrain × Duroc.
  • Our study confirms the results of scientists, which says about increased total protein in blood serum of the quick-grows pigs.
  • Crossbred young animals had higher values of total protein in the blood than purebred pigs of Large White breed.
  • This index stood for pigs of ♀D×♂P and ♀P×♂D combinations at 67,60 ....63,00 g/l, respectively.
  • The investigations of blood from young pigs, which were obtained from boars of different genotypes, suggest that more intensive growth of ♀D×♂P and ♀P×♂D animal groups led to a higher protein content in the blood serum, which is closely related to muscle growth process.
  • It has been established that the definition of interior tests in 4-months age allows to predict the age, when the pigs achieve the weight of 100 kg and the daily gain of pigs in the control fattening.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
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    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in blood has positively correlation with the meatiness, fertility and growth.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in blood has a positively correlation with the meatiness, fertility and growth.
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    • The interior researches of pigs performed at 4 months of age with the following by indicators and techniques such as: total protein content - Biuret method, the activity of aminotransferases (AST and ALT) - Reitman and Frenkels method listed in the directory by V.V. Menshikov.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • The interior researches of pigs performed at 4 months of age with the4 year old pigs involved following by indicators and techniques such as: total protein content - Biuret method, the activity of aminotransferases (AST and ALT) - Reitman and Frenkels method listed in the directory by V.V. Menshikov.
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    • The object of the research was on the pigs Large White breed and hybrids: Large White × Landrace, Duroc × Pietrain and Pietrain × Duroc.
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    • Our study confirms the results of scientists, which says about increased total protein in blood serum of the quick-grows pigs.
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    • Crossbred young animals had higher values of total protein in the blood than purebred pigs of Large White breed.
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    • The investigations of blood from young pigs, which were obtained from boars of different genotypes, suggest that more intensive growth of ♀D×♂P and ♀P×♂D animal groups led to a higher protein content in the blood serum, which is closely related to muscle growth process.
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    • It has been established that the definition of interior tests in 4-months age allows to predict the age, when the pigs achieve the weight of 100 kg and the daily gain of pigs in the control fattening.
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