
Text from Gem66 - English

  • New Moon and Full Moon day in Vietnam

    • According to customs of Vietnamese, the New Moon and Full Moon are 2 of the worshiping ancestor days.
    • In lunar calendar, New Moon is the first day of month (1st), Full Moon is middle day of month (15th).
    • In 2 that days, Vietnamese usaully prepare flower and fruit on altar, then they burn ancense to worship their ancestor.
    • Old woman always remember those days, becuase they are respondsible for prepare offering.Some year ago, I usually go to market to buy food in morning of every day.
    • When I saw every old woman bought flower and fruit, I'm sure that day is New Moon or Full Moon day.
    • Now, I only go to supermarket on weekend and buy food, so I don't see the scene every old woman buy offering on that days.


  • Título
  • Frase 1
  • Frase 2
  • Frase 3
    • In 2 that days, Vietnamese usaully prepare flower and fruit on altar, then they burn ancense to worship their ancestor.
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    • In 2 thatthose two days, Vietnamese usaually prepare flower and fruit on altar, then they burn aincense sticks to worship their ancestor.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3
  • Frase 4
    • Old woman always remember those days, becuase they are respondsible for prepare offering.Some year ago, I usually go to market to buy food in morning of every day.
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    • Old womaen always remember those days, becuause they are respondsible for prepin charge of offering. Some years ago, I usually gowent to market to buyfor food ineach morning of every day.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 4
  • Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • Now, I only go to supermarket on weekend and buy food, so I don't see the scene every old woman buy offering on that days.
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    • Now, I only go to the supermarket on weekends and buy food, so I don't see the scene every old womaen buying offerings on that days.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6