Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ charogm - English

  • A formal letter

    • You belong to a small neighbourhood sports club and have been asked by other members to write a letter of complaint to the club manager, Mandy Dawson, outlining reasons for your dissatisfaction with the club and the way it is currently run.
    • Base your letter on the points made in these text messages and emails you have received from other members.
    • Dear Mr Mandy Dawson, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the club and the way it is currently run.
  • My name is Mary Greek and I am a member of the sports club since 2010.
    • As me, other members are unpleased with the current situation of the club manager.
  • Firstly, the number of members is minor today than a few years ago.
    • If we can´t get more people to join in, we´ll be in danger of going bust.
    • Some of our people are leaving us and going to cheaper places.
    • Moreover, it is unfair the fact that all the people pay the same price.
  • It could be a great idea to establish different rates according to the personal situations of people.
  • For example older people or families with kids could pay less than other members.
  • In addition to the high prices, we are really dissatisfied with the physical situation of the sports facilities.
  • Tennis courts are incredibly dangerous at the moment.
    • What is more, we asked for squash courts and shower rooms 2 years ago and we are still waiting for them.
  • Specific aspects should be changed to solve our problem.
  • The price, the quality of the club, the variety of activities…it is important that all the members of the club get involved in the situation and collaborate to improve it but if you do not listen to our complaints, we´ll go bust.
    • I look forward to receiving your views on the aspects.
  • Yours Faithfully, Mary Greek

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English