
Text from lenasudak - English

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    • Employment of foreign languages teachers with gifted children on the subject "English" The educational activity of gifted children differ in what they want to achieve success in their studies and acquire knowledge without perceiving it as violence against them, are capable of independent action due to the previously acquired mental skills.
  • The tendency to the study of foreign languages is diagnosed in children at an early stage of learning.
    • These students easily learn new material, active, they are distinguished by creativity, desire for knowledge and self-study.
    • They experiment, using means of artistic expression, original, creative.
    • With these students the teacher to work and easy and at the same time difficult.
  • They require special attention.
    • The success of working with gifted students largely depends on what kind of work is being done with this category of pupils in primary school.
    • The most characteristic feature of these children is their pronounced cognitive needs, manifested in curiosity and thirst for new experiences.
    • When educating gifted child requires that curiosity in time grew into a love of learning - "curiosity" and "curiosity" in "cognitive demand".
    • Thus, to maintain and develop the individuality of the child, not to lose, do not slow down the growth of its capabilities - a particularly significant problem for Gifted Education.
    • In my opinion, the main task of the teacher is to organize the educational process in accordance with educational needs of students.
    • To this end, I developed and used in the classroom system of exercises that contribute to the development of students' communicative skills of research nature.
  • These exercises should always maintain the interest of children to learn a foreign language.
    • In class methods and forms of work with gifted students must first organically combined with the methods and forms of work with all the students of the school and at the same time differ originality.
    • For individual work in the classroom with children using additional material developing, teaching, training or supervisory nature, such as: introduction, training and material control for various kinds of speech activity of high or high level.
    • In this case it is absolutely logical and effective use of ICT technologies (video, audio books, interactive and audio CDs, DVD, Internet resources).
    • With regard to the forms and methods of extracurricular work, the ample opportunities to identify and develop gifted students have electives, clubs, competitions, attracting students to participate in various contests and competitions outside the school system and extracurricular research work of students.
    • Here, working in small groups, I try to make the most of the differentiation of teaching, individual approach, using different working methods: observation, experiment, study, work with scientific literature, using ICT.
  • This makes it possible to take into account the different needs and opportunities for gifted children.
  • So, work with gifted children should be continuous and provide a system that includes the following components: 1. identification of gifted children; 2.
  • The creation of conditions for the full development of gifted children; 3.
  • The development of creative abilities in the classroom; 4.
  • The development of skills in extracurricular activities (research, projects, competitions, contests).
    • Teacher interaction with gifted child shall be directed to the optimal development of his abilities, have the character of aid support.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Employment of foreign languages teachers with gifted children on the subject "English" The educational activity of gifted children differ in what they want to achieve success in their studies and acquire knowledge without perceiving it as violence against them, are capable of independent action due to the previously acquired mental skills.
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    • Employment of foreign languages teachers withfor gifted children on the subject "English"¶The educational activity of gifted children differ in whatthe degree to which they want to achieve success in their studies and acquire knowledge without perceiving it as violencet against them, arselves, and hope to be capable of independent action due to the previously acquired mental skills.
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  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • These students easily learn new material, active, they are distinguished by creativity, desire for knowledge and self-study.
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    • These students easily learn new material, are active, and they are distinguished by creativity, desire for knowledge, and self-study discipline.
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  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • The success of working with gifted students largely depends on what kind of work is being done with this category of pupils in primary school.
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    • The success of working with gifted students largely depends on what kind of work is being done with this category of pupilpopulation of students in primary school.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • The most characteristic feature of these children is their pronounced cognitive needs, manifested in curiosity and thirst for new experiences.
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    • The most characteristiczing feature of these children is their pronounced cognitive needs, often manifested ining as curiosity and a thirst for new experiences.
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  • Sentence 9
    • When educating gifted child requires that curiosity in time grew into a love of learning - "curiosity" and "curiosity" in "cognitive demand".
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    • When educating, gifted children requires that curiosity in time grew into ae growth of their curiosity into a mature love of learning - "curiosity" and "curiosity" in "cognitive demand".
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  • Sentence 10
    • Thus, to maintain and develop the individuality of the child, not to lose, do not slow down the growth of its capabilities - a particularly significant problem for Gifted Education.
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    • Thus, to maintaining and developing the individuality of the child, not to lose, do not without losing or slowing down the growth of its capabilities - a particularly significant problem for Gifted Education.
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  • Sentence 11
    • In my opinion, the main task of the teacher is to organize the educational process in accordance with educational needs of students.
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    • In my opinion, the main task of the teacher is to organize the educational process in accordance with the educational needs of the students.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
    • To this end, I developed and used in the classroom system of exercises that contribute to the development of students' communicative skills of research nature.
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    • To this end, I've developed and used in the classroom a system of exercises thatwhich contribute to the development of students' communicative skills ofin a research nature.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
  • Sentence 14
    • In class methods and forms of work with gifted students must first organically combined with the methods and forms of work with all the students of the school and at the same time differ originality.
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    • In class methods and forms of work with gifted students, one must first organically combined with the methods and forms of work with all the students of the school and at the same time differ in originality.
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  • Sentence 15
    • For individual work in the classroom with children using additional material developing, teaching, training or supervisory nature, such as: introduction, training and material control for various kinds of speech activity of high or high level.
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    • For iIndividual work in the classroom with children using additional material of a developing, teaching, training, or a supervisory nature, (such as: introduction, training and, or material control) should be used for various kinds of speech activityies of high or highboth high and low levels.
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  • Sentence 16
    • In this case it is absolutely logical and effective use of ICT technologies (video, audio books, interactive and audio CDs, DVD, Internet resources).
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    • In this case it, there is an absolutely logical and effective use of ICT technologies (videos, audio books, interactive and audio CDs, DVD,s, and Internet resources).
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 16
  • Sentence 17
    • With regard to the forms and methods of extracurricular work, the ample opportunities to identify and develop gifted students have electives, clubs, competitions, attracting students to participate in various contests and competitions outside the school system and extracurricular research work of students.
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    • With regard to the forms and methods of extracurricular work, the ample opportunities to identify and develop gifted students havecan be achieved by having electives, clubs, and competitions, to attracting students to participate in various contests and competitions outside of the school system and extracurricular research work of students.
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  • Sentence 18
    • Here, working in small groups, I try to make the most of the differentiation of teaching, individual approach, using different working methods: observation, experiment, study, work with scientific literature, using ICT.
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    • Here, working in small groups, I try to make the most of the differentiation of teaching methods, individual approach, usingand the use of different working methods such as: observation, experiment, study, work with scientific literature, usingas well as the use of ICT.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18
  • Sentence 19
  • Sentence 20
    • So, work with gifted children should be continuous and provide a system that includes the following components: 1. identification of gifted children; 2.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 20ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 20
  • Sentence 21
  • Sentence 22
  • Sentence 23
  • Sentence 24
    • Teacher interaction with gifted child shall be directed to the optimal development of his abilities, have the character of aid support.
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    • Teacher interaction with gifted child shall be directed to the optimal development of his abilities, have thethe teacher's abilities with an emphasis also on having a character of aid and support. ¶
    • Teacher interaction with giftalented child shawill be directed to the optimal development of his abilities, have the character of aid support. ¶
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