
Tekst nga Orpheos - English

    • Define the perfection.

    • It is fair to say that everyone can give a definition of perfection, and is very likely that all of these definitions will be very similar.
    • However, despite that consensus about perfection and its definition, the concept of perfection on itself divides.
    • Whether it is about the existence of perfection or the possibility to reach it, the whole agreement comes tumbling down as soon as people bring contenu on the talk.
  • To me being perfect means, that you have the best condition you can possibly hope for.
  • Hence, being perfect is not an absolute status, and it cannot be.
    • I deeply think that perfection is reached when anyone aims to be his best-self. although I realize that such pondering may appears abstruse, there is a paradox (and I love paradox).
    • Because, even though it seems that I give an acceptable answer (of course it's all about perspective), pondering a little bit longer, helps us too see the flaws in there.
    • But I'm afraid I have to let you continue alone, I may have very much been too long for those who ,rightfully, think that there is no point in such reflexion.


  • Title
  • Fjalia 1
    • It is fair to say that everyone can give a definition of perfection, and is very likely that all of these definitions will be very similar.
      Votoni tani!
    • It is fair to say that everyone can give a definition of perfection, and it is very likely that all of these definitions will be very similar.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1
  • Fjalia 2
  • Fjalia 3
    • Whether it is about the existence of perfection or the possibility to reach it, the whole agreement comes tumbling down as soon as people bring contenu on the talk.
      Votoni tani!
    • Whether it is about the existence of perfection or the possibility to reach it, the whole agreement comes tumbling down as soon as people bring the contenut (of the perfection) on the talk.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3
  • Fjalia 4
  • Fjalia 5
  • Fjalia 6
    • I deeply think that perfection is reached when anyone aims to be his best-self. although I realize that such pondering may appears abstruse, there is a paradox (and I love paradox).
      Votoni tani!
    • I deeply think that perfection is reachattained when anyone aims to be his best-self. aAlthough I realize that such pondering may appears abstruse, there is a paradox (and I love paradox).
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 6
  • Fjalia 7
    • Because, even though it seems that I give an acceptable answer (of course it's all about perspective), pondering a little bit longer, helps us too see the flaws in there.
      Votoni tani!
    • Because, even though it seems that I give an acceptable answer (of course it's all about perspective), pondering a little bit longer, helps us too see the flaws in there too.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7
  • Fjalia 8
    • But I'm afraid I have to let you continue alone, I may have very much been too long for those who ,rightfully, think that there is no point in such reflexion.
      Votoni tani!
    • But I'm afraid I have to let you continue alone,. I may have very much been too longbeen too argumentative for those who ,rightfully, think that there is no point in such reflexction.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 8SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 8