
Text z misangocle08022004 - English

  • Please correct my mistakes.Thank you very much.

    • Yesterday is Sunday.
  • I had an English class at my school.
  • I had a hamburger for breakfast.
    • It tasted great.
    • Then, I was late for the bus so my mom called my brother to took me there.
  • That was my last day at my school.
  • We had a test and I came home early.
    • One of my mom’students took her son to my house and we played in happily.
  • In the afternoon, my mom and her student went out.
    • I and my mom’s student son went to Bo Ho.
  • We went there by bus.
  • We bought a chocolate ice-cream and a lemon ice-cream.
    • He said he wanted to come home to swim.
    • So we ate our ice-cream and came home but when we came home, it was so late.
    • So we didn’t go to swim.
    • We had a big dinner and we played until 9:30 pm.
    • Afterthat, my mom’s student came back her home and I went to bed.