
Text from Lythrum - English

  • Essay - How My Parents Met (2)

    • They met at the apartment of my mother and my father was really nervous.
    • He brought my mother roses and then they drank together wine and were talking for a long time.
    • Afterward they often met again.
    • One time they went to the forest to collect mushrooms with a big holdall but they didn’t find any mushrooms.
    • Instead they got closer.
    • I was born in 1988 and my parents married when I was a half a year old.
    • My mother never wanted to marry but she wanted a child.
    • My grandparents persuaded her to marry my father because they wanted to become grandparents.It was also advantageous to be married in the DDR because you got more ressources.
    • The funniest thing of this story is that in fact my father never wrote a letter to my mother.
    • It was my grandfather who has written this letter to my mother in place of my father.
    • My father didn’t knew it.