
Tekst fra - English

    • A day in another country (Part 2)

  • When Charlie woke up, the landscape had completely changed.
    • Before, there was the city and the streets, the houses, the garden.
  • However, now, there was nothing.
    • Absolutely nothing.
    • Charlie sit up and asked to her father : "Dad ? Where are we ?
  • -We're almost there.
    • Be quiet for a while, your mother is sleeping.
    • And I think your brother too in fact." Charlie looked all around her.
    • Her brother James was lying down to the next sit and his mouth was open while he sleeps.
    • His father looked tired and exhausted by the long journey.
    • Charlie had suddenly an idea. "Dad !
  • Do you want me to drive instead of you ?
  • You must be very tired !
  • -Such an idea !
  • I don't think this is the right thing we should do.
  • I just think I'm going to have a break.
    • Let's do a break, right !
  • -Dad, I offer my help.
    • I don't do this actually you know...
    • I'm more like a selfish person.
  • So, you shouldn't refuse it !
  • -I know that you're selfish my girl !
    • Last time, you wouldn't even let one pillow to your brother while you had five of it because you Saïd that you need all of them !
  • Si, don't worry, I know that you're selfish !
  • He started to laugh and Charlie insisted : -You're right, but Dad please let me drive !
    • -Well well you won.
    • I will let you drive when I'll stop. -Thanks you !
    • -You're welcome..." Her dad stopped few minutes later and she jumped out of the car before sitting on the driver sit.
  • Her father was sitting just after her and she started to drive.
  • Charlie was 19.
    • She had her driver licence a while ago and, very proud of that, she takes evry opportunity to drive that she have.
    • Relieved, Mr McHonchic stated to sleep comforting.
  • But after a while, he heard a shout that scared him.
    • He opened his eyes pretty fast and feel the car stopped brutally.
    • Mrs McHonchic was awoken and that was her who shouts.
    • She only was surprised by Charlie driving and hand on her heart, she said : "Don't scared me like that again or I will die !
  • -You scared yourself Mom !
  • I didn't do anything you know !
    • I just propose to Dad to switch and you woke up !"

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