
Text de - English

    • My stupid accent embarrass me

    • I'm looking for website or Application Which I can record a small statement by my voice Then native speakers correct it .
    • I found application called Hinative , you can record a word , phrase or small statement.
    • Then you post it as a question and asked Native speakers (Does it sound natural).
    • and they have 4 choose Natrual, A little unnatural, Unnatural and I don't understand it.
    • When I tried it, all speakers voted that "little unnatural".
  • I felt like I'm a big loser.
    • Cause there is no one can understand me.
    • Then when of them replied "we can understand you well but you have a accent which is fine ".
    • then I told myself that "Yes I should have my own accent and I will not have American sound cause I'm not a native speaker " Maybe it's like when I heard a non native Arabic speakers.
    • I'm not sure if I'm right or not.
    • or I 'm really loser.