
Text from Laetinell - English

    • The car: when a object drives you crazy

  • The car.
  • How practical this is!
  • We have a special relationship with our car.
  • It is our second house.
  • You love it, you cherish it, or you just use it to go somewhere.
    • But anyway, it reflects who you are.
    • And yet, there's something I don't understand.
    • As human being, we are able to love, to take care about people we love, or even people we don't know.
  • We can do beautiful things to make the world a better place.
    • And everything colapses when you drive.
    • Suddenly, a nice husband and caring father becomes the most agressive guy who insults and punches the guy who didn't drive fast enough.
    • The mother who gave life to a little baby, who can sing a song and rock her baby for hours to make him confortable can cut another mum up with her children in her car.
  • How many times did you yell in your car, or even insults other drivers?
  • And how many times did you say "I love you"?
    • We actually spend so much time being agressive rather than being loving....that's confusing.