從gelios27來的文本 - English

    • The export of revolution

    • On the eve of the French revolution in 1789, there were severe restrictions on Jewish activity across all over Europe.
    • For instance in German Frankfurt Jewish communities had to live according to strict rules, which were constituted in the Middle Ages.
    • Approximately 500 Jewish households dwelt in the city, all of them occupied special district, which was walled off from the rest city and called «Judengasse» or «Jewish street».
    • The Jewish had no right to leave the ghetto at night, on Sundays or on Christian holidays.
  • Jewish streets were tremendously cramped.
    • The jewish lived under permanent oppression.
    • Each 2 year the ghetto could shelter no more than 2 families, moreover only 20 couples were allowed to get married and only if both of them were older than 25 years old.
    • The jewish were strictly forbidden to engage in farming and arms, spices, wine, grain trade.
    • Until 1726, they had to have special distinctive marks.
    • But All of a sudden changed when Napoleon came, he abolished obsolete, inefficient social institutions…to be continued:)

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