
Text from RyanB - English

  • Cover letter

    • Dear Sir, Madam, Wishing to work in the field of industrial acoustics, the post you offer caught my attention.
    • [...] This education has been enhanced by the completion of a final internship in aircraft engine rotors simulation, and a PhD on acoustic treatments used in aircraft nacelles [...] Integrate your company would allow me to apply my technical knowledge and to contribute to projects in an area that fascinates me.
    • I am confident that my skills and my rigor will meet your expectations.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • [...] This education has been enhanced by the completion of a final internship in aircraft engine rotors simulation, and a PhD on acoustic treatments used in aircraft nacelles [...] Integrate your company would allow me to apply my technical knowledge and to contribute to projects in an area that fascinates me.
      Balsuok dabar!
    • [...]¶¶This education has been enhanced by the completion of a final internship in aircraft engine rotors simulation, and a PhD oin acoustic treatments used in aircraft nacelozzles [...]¶¶Integr hope thate your company would allow me to apply my technical knowledge and to contribute to projects in an area that fascinates me.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3