
Text from elDany - English

  • Awesome English!

  • Hey everyone!
  • I've just started to use this web site, and i'm awfully excited 'cause I really want to improve my speaking mainly.
  • I'm from mexico, i'm studying engineering that is one of reason of why i'm learning English, but mostly, because I really love the movies in the native languaje, so I've been learning English since 1 year ago, and by now i can understand the movies, the conversations but only with subtitles, that's something i'd like to change.
  • I'd be happy to help you in my native spanish, i'm kind of funny, i guess, and i've got a lot o hobis, you know, mexico is a beautiful place, and there's a lot of places to visit, a lot of things to do.
  • It would be a very good experience to making friends in order to improve each other.
  • Thanks a lot, Have a good one!


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    • I've just started to use this web site, and i'm awfully excited 'cause I really want to improve my speaking mainly.
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    • I'm from mexico, i'm studying engineering that is one of reason of why i'm learning English, but mostly, because I really love the movies in the native languaje, so I've been learning English since 1 year ago, and by now i can understand the movies, the conversations but only with subtitles, that's something i'd like to change.
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    • I'd be happy to help you in my native spanish, i'm kind of funny, i guess, and i've got a lot o hobis, you know, mexico is a beautiful place, and there's a lot of places to visit, a lot of things to do.
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