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  • Pros and cons of travelling by bicycle

    • Some people believe that bicycles are the best mode of transport in the cities, while others disagree.
  • This view has pros and cons.
  • Travelling by bicycle obviously has plenty of advantages.
  • It costs less than a car or motorcycle and it is good for health.
  • A lot of people can afford it.
  • Furthermore, it does not take up much space.
  • You can keep it in your pantry or hallway.
    • However, the main disadvantage of bicycle is that it is slow and thus can only be good if we travel short distance.
  • Most cities are large and travelling by bicycle will be very time- consuming.
    • Also bicycle is very dangerous kind of transport.
    • You can fall, you can break leg or hand – it is common event with people who travelling by bicycle.
  • Having considered these views, I think that bicycles, despite being friendly to the environment, are not the best way to travel around the city.
  • However, it is best to travel by a means of transport which is friendly to the environment, fast and does not take up lots of space.
    • Therefore electric motorbike and public transports that use renewable energies are the best options. .