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  • how I met a friend

    • Dear Jonh, I am glad of hearing you, thanks for sharing with me your story about how you and your wife met each other.
    • I think it’s very cute story and as you said me –things occur when you don’t hope they happen”.
    • So now I want to tell you how I met to my best friend.
    • His name is Tom and we have met seven years ago.
    • We have a common friend and seven year ago I decided to go out with him and rest of their friend in a party that there is in the village where we live.
    • Then I met who I will become to my best friend now.
    • We got along with quite quickly and we started to share hobbies in common such as running, videogames or films.
    • We became inseparable and our friendship doesn’t stop growing since then.
    • We are very similar and he is very nice person.
    • It’s all about now, but you take care and greet your wife from my site.
    • I wait for you replying, Good bye.