
Tekst nga Inte - English

    • help me pleesss

    • intro: It’s 10am and you are listening to RNA radio with me.
    • Inte Vandeweyer it’s a special day!
    • Today I will interviewing Liessa Gene!
    • A well-known actress from Belgium who played title role in ….. .
    • Welcome,Liessa.
  • It’s a pleasure to have you on the program today.
    • the raison you are here today is your new movie that you own have written and next week will be released in the movie theatres! we all knew you are an actress but we did not knew that you also wrote movie scrips? how come that we did not know?
    • so liessa why did you became an script writer ?
    • Was writing always been a passion?
    • That sounds great, seems like you have come along way since you have started!
    • Liessa we have seen you in a couple of movies before and you have done a briljant job! we are really curious about your movie! can you tell us something about it?
    • wow that sounds realy nice! how did you come to the story? is it based on you own life? or from where did you get the story?
    • the question that’s going to be on everybody’s mind… is it true what we all heard about you and ………….?
    • Did you two had a secret relationship?
    • so if I understand correctly you never had a realtionship with him?
    • How come then that they say it in the media?
    • will these rumors destroy your career? what are you going to do about it?
    • I hope it all comes good! and one last quostion from our listeners!
  • …………………………………………………………………………………...
  • We are very grateful that you could free up some time for us!
    • And we are sure that your next movie will be a great succes!