
Κείμενο από Android32 - English

    • You should know the culture of the country you are visiting for

    • Some people say that culture hasn’t any connection with business.
    • It is very strange opinion, because all international negotiations are connected with understanding of the country you visited.
    • Successful businessmen know a lot of information about culture of different countries and it is very helpful for them.
    • To begin with, people who have studied the culture, values, etiquette and attitude towards business negotiations and business meetings have an advantage over the other.
    • They are choice by business-partners because they making very good image on them.
  • In nine cases out of ten, those companies that are negotiating in accordance with the principles of the culture will prevail over your competitors and conduct the transaction with a client.
    • It is undeniable that if don’t know culture of your business-partner you can’t understand him/her attitude to you.
    • It is very important thing for every businessman.
  • On the other hand, if a business offer is interesting for both parties of participants of negotiations, the transaction will take place in any case.
    • It is really true, because businessmen think about a profit more, then about relationships.
  • Moreover, if you don’t observe the rules you show other negotiators that you are the most important person and they respect you.
  • There are many factors that must be taken into account before entering into negotiations with businessmen from other countries.
    • Mastering and understanding the importance of intercultural negotiations, will help the business to properly negotiate and keep the situation under control.
    • Adapting to negotiate, will bring you closer to success in business.