
Тэкст ад Wejo - English

    • About my school

  • 1.
  • What do you like most about your school?
    • Actually there are few things I like about my school.
    • I can only say that sometimes you have a lot of fun at some lessons.
    • At times you are told that the class are left and you go home.
    • I think it's not good.
  • 2.What weekday do you find the most difficult and why?
    • Mondays seem very hard for me because I have two maths lessons, a Physics lesson, a chemistry lesson, a history and an English lessons.
    • Furhemore,I have no lesson of PE so I don't have an opportunity to run.
  • Every Monday you hit the books without doing physical exercise. 3.
  • What would you like to change in your school life?
  • I want the pupils to be more responsible for their studies and not ditch lessons.
    • I would organize school radio that would tell the students about events.
    • The teachers must listen to the pupils and pupils in their turn must read books and be more keen on studies.