
Therodimus'den mesaj - English

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    • ) "The night was filled with slightly chilly air of early spring.
    • The typical city's sounds, those of speeding cars, leaving behind choking, rushing skyward whiffs of dust, and people's constant buzzing chatter, were slowly dying away.
    • Weakening hollow din was retreating, it seemed, to the distant, menacing outskirts, where it was kept in dark and damp, enormous underground chamber by some powerful, shadowlike guard until morning light..."

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    • The typical city's sounds, those of speeding cars, leaving behind choking, rushing skyward whiffs of dust, and people's constant buzzing chatter, were slowly dying away.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • "The typical city's sounds, those of speeding cars, leaving ¶behind choking, rushing skyward whiffs of dust, and people's¶constant buzzing chatter, were slowlysounds of a typical city: cars speeding, grey air shifting, people's chatter milling... slowly the sounds of the typical city were dying away."
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    • Weakening hollow din was retreating, it seemed, to the distant, menacing outskirts, where it was kept in dark and damp, enormous underground chamber by some powerful, shadowlike guard until morning light..."
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • Weakening¶hollow din was retreating, it seemed, to the distant, menacing¶outskirts, where it was kept in dark and damp, enormous ¶underground chamber by some powerful, shadowlike guard¶untill morning light..."
    • "Weakening¶ed, the hollow din was retreating, it seemed, to the distant,drew faraway to those menacing outskirts, where it was kept in dark and damp, enormous ¶underground chamber by some powerful, shadowlike guard¶until morning lightretained until morning in a great, dark and damp chamber by some mighty guardian..."
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