
Text from Tatiana1680 - English

  • Change in Life

  • Change is an inevitable aspect of life.
    • Life is easier and more comfortable today compared with days of our grandparents.
    • First, modern technology make our life more and more comfortable.
    • We can stay in our house and chat to friends or over the world.
    • Also, you can read any books without buy it.
    • Secondly, our modern fashion and clothes are very strange for our grandparents.
    • Before, people wore modest clothes but today all people want to from the crowd and sometimes look funny and tasteless.
  • Thirdly, there are new trends in music and art.
  • For example, new trends in music are such a pop-music and k-pop in music.
  • Our grandparents don`t understand it.
    • They prefer tradition songs and classical soviet popular songs.
    • Finally, the pace of life was changed.
    • It is faster than 50 year ago.
    • People have little time for relaxation, holiday or love.
    • They are constantly in a hurry life and don`t enjoy beautiful moments of life.
    • However, in the past people valued every excellent moment and thought such important feelings as love, friendship, and team spirit.
    • In my opinion, this is what the younger generation lacks.