
Tekst van Anastasya93 - English

  • Summary

  • This is actually just a summary of my day.
  • I don't really know what to write, so I'm improvising.
  • Today I got up at 8 am.
  • I overslept for 5 minutes, but I was lucky that I heard some of my residents talking.
  • I live in an anthroposophical community right now, where I work with handicapped people.
  • That's why they are "my residents." As I have got a torn ligament at my right ankle, I can't really work right now.
  • But it's getting better.
  • So I vacuumed the floors and dusted the furniture.
    • Today I didn't have to cook because we went to another house and ordered pizza (we have got four houses in our community.) After lunch we had resthour until 3pm and then we packed the suitcases for our residents as they are going home for vacation tomorrow.
  • When we were finished with packing, I put some nailpolish on our girl's hands.
    • I have seen some pretty neat way of polishing in the internet and wanted to try it out, but I made a mess and had to put my favourite pants into the washing machine.
  • At 5pm I was off and could go into my room, where I wrote with a friend.
  • We want to go to Canada and New York during our vacation and had to plan some stops and look for some places we could stay via couchsurfing.
  • Okay, I think this is enough.
  • Otherwise the text will be too long and I don't want to bother you at all.
  • Please send me a personal message about how my text is, if it's too bad or okay or whatever. Thanks a lot.