
Text from mariusz70 - English

  • present simple

    • i'd like ask in short text about how ,where use "present simple ".I don't understand how is difference between sentence " I live in Poland" and " I am living in Poland". here and here is similar. how is difference . other example "I eat bread" and "I am eating bread" , " I read book" and " I am reading book" , " I have two sons" and " I am having two sons" and a lot of other. i know that build is similar verbs , subject and rest sentence.
    • I know that form with end "-ing" is use in "present continous." please explain these examples whether it's basic rule grammar or is logical explain


  • Titel
  • Sentence 1
    • i'd like ask in short text about how ,where use "present simple ".I don't understand how is difference between sentence " I live in Poland" and " I am living in Poland". here and here is similar. how is difference . other example "I eat bread" and "I am eating bread" , " I read book" and " I am reading book" , " I have two sons" and " I am having two sons" and a lot of other. i know that build is similar verbs , subject and rest sentence.
      Stem nou!
    • i'd like ask in short text about how ,where use "present simple ".I don't understand how is difference between sentence " I live in Poland" and "OK here goes - as for I live in Poland and I am living in Poland, only an English teacher could tell you. I eat bread says that when given a piece of bread, I have no objections to eating it.(like maybe I don't like the taste) I am eating bread means that right now I am liveating in Poland". here and here is similar. how is difference . other example "I eat bread" and "I am eating bread" , " I read book" and "bread. I read books means I am capable of reading. In this case it can also mean that yesterday I read the book, because the tenses are read (present), read (pronounced red (past)) and will read (future). I am reading a book means that right now I am reading a book" , ". I have two sons" and " I am having two sons" and a lot of other. i know that build is similar verbs , subject and rest sentence. means just that at some point you or your wife/girlfriend gave birth to two boys. I am having two sons means that you or your wife/girlfriend are pregnant and is carrying two little boys. I hope I have helped (I do hope nobody told you that English was logical, if they did they lied)
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • I know that form with end "-ing" is use in "present continous." please explain these examples whether it's basic rule grammar or is logical explain
      Stem nou!
    • I know that form with ending "-ing" is used in "present continous." ¶please explain these examples whether it's basic rule grammar or is logical explain. Here means close to you. Hear means that soundwaves are reaching your ears.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 2VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 2