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    • Latter of motivation

    • I am writing to apply for 6-month mobility as a doctorate student in the frame of xxxx program at University xxxx.
    • My goal is to become a member of research group institute of Plants Physiology and Biotechnology University xxxx.
    • The main fields of my interest for a long time are biology, chemistry and biochemistry especially.
    • Knowledge in these areas can be useful in different spheres in biotechnology.
    • Thus my long term goal to dedicate myself to the research fields of biochemistry of plants and biotechnology.
    • In order to achieve this goal presently I am a PhD student of the Department of Genetics, Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and Seed Science at University xxxxx.
    • I obtained a specialist degree in chemical engineering xxxx University in 2013.
    • I studied biotechnological approaches of clay materials quality improvement.
    • At the same time I studied biochemistry in xxxxx and also got a specialist degree in biochemistry.
    • My diploma research was devoted to study chemical compound of some medical plants Asteráceae family.
    • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of alkaloids was the main foci of my research.
    • Currently my investigation is dedicated to secondary metabolism research of Lamiaceae family plant and its application in biotechnology using tissue and cell culture.
    • The application of biotechnological methods to produce secondary metabolites of plants is promising.
  • It solves the problem of raw materials shortage in the pharmaceutical industry and conservation biodiversity of medicinal plants.
    • Moreover, the technology of obtaining secondary metabolites in vitro has several other advantages: 1) seasonal restrictions in obtaining of secondary metabolites are absent; 2) the amount of produced biological active substances is predictable; 3) the extraction of biological active substances from in vitro culture is simpler, faster and efficiently.
    • One of the important steps of my research is evaluate of changing in chemical compound of medical plants tissue and cell culture compared intact plants and development methods of regulation secondary metabolism in vitro.
  • I would like to use modern methods and equipment in my investigation such as metabolomics engineering, proteomic and metabolomics analysis, regulation of biosynthesis secondary metabolites using peptides hormones and regulation of level its expression.
    • Besides I plan to use different physicochemical methods of analysis, such as gas-liquid chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometry and differential UV spectrophotometry.
  • I think that institute of Plants Physiology and Biotechnology University of xxxx can give me excellent opportunities to pursue research in fields of my interests.
    • I would like to take part in project devoted to regulation of jasmonate biosynthesis because issue of jasmonate biosynthesis in plants closely relate with regulation secondary metabolism synthesis.
  • Experience in this field of study can give me some new ideas for implementation my research project.
  • Besides it can be my first international experience of research in fundamental issues of plant physiology.
    • Also I will have an opportunity to learn new equipment and research methods on the basis of Service Unit Mass Spectrometry.
  • Genomic and proteomic analysis can be a major part of my research.
    • These modern types of analysis are necessary for understanding of the secondary metabolism nature in medical plants.
    • Knowledge in analysis of biomolecules will be important for my career in the future.
  • I expect that closely collaboration in my research fields will help to establish field to generate a multidisciplinary research platform with science areas such as cells biotechnology of plants, production of pharmaceutical products and natural plant food supplements.
    • I hope that I can have an opportunity to pursue a PhD, and to become professional in the fields I am interested.
  • Thank you for considering my application Sincerely, XXX