
Text od Nanouille - English

  • Collective agreement

  • Hello!
    • I have to translate my french text in english.. but I 'm a beginner.
  • Please help me !
  • The collective agreement gives benefits to employees in exchange for social peace for the employer.
  • Some texts include employees and others only for certain categories of workers.
  • The collective agreement defines the rights and obligations of employees and employers in areas as diverse as labor contract, the contractual relationship, the different holidays and absences, or social guarantees.
  • Additional information as to the terms of night work or stress management may also be included.
  • Legally, an employer is required to make available.
    • Staff representatives must be in possession of the collective agreement and a document posted on the workplace must indicate where to find the full text.
    • Also, if the company has an intranet, then the agreement must also be included.
    • Finally, the employer is obliged to mention the collective agreement both on the labor contract and the employee pay slip, which makes the full text search easier.
  • If the collective agreement of a professional branch is not applied, it is possible for the employee to ask, either directly from their employer or from the delegates.
    • The last step is, in case of unresolved dispute, to seize the industrial tribunal.
  • Thank you very much for your help!!