
Text from Natashe4ka - English

  • Image of the modern teacher.

  • The article I’d like to render is entitled “Image of the modern teacher”.
  • I assume it was written by a young journalist and was published in the newspaper about education.
  • In my opinion the article is very useful to the beginning teachers.
  • They have to understand that the appearance, correctly put speech plays a huge role in this work.
  • The author’s communicative aim is to give some pieces of advice for teachers about their image, but also the author wants to show other things which influence an image of the teacher.
  • In this article, many problems are revealed, such as the psychological problem, the financial problem, the problem of pedagogical development and the problem of motivation.
  • At the beginning of the article the author wants to make ponder over the following acute problem.
  • The author reveals the drawbacks of teachers think of themselves and how to win respect from colleagues and pupils.
  • The author proclaims that all troubles because of image.
  • The teacher has to understand that only he can change himself and to become more successful.
  • I agree that strongly influences appearance mass media.
  • They set a framework in clothes, accessories, manners, behavior.
  • Also, all people turn on fashion in society who that carries and as behaves.
  • The author takes up a firm attitude that the teacher's profession a public profession.
  • To construct good relations with young people it is necessary to present himself correctly.
  • The teacher needs to look strictly and tidily.
  • The author is sure that voice, memory, charm and attitudes towards pupils also influences image of the teacher.
  • In the following paragraph, the author speaks about a voice.
  • The voice of the teacher shouldn't be silent.
  • Children can not hear what the teacher speaks about.
  • It can serve as misconduct in a class.
  • Because children will distract and ask again each other.
  • The voice shouldn't be too loud, it can irritate and strongly tire.
  • In my opinion the most awful is a monotonous speech.
  • The pupil will be concentrated on sorting what is told by the teacher.
  • I am sure that practice is necessary.
  • The teacher as the actor has to be able to play different roles.
  • Memory is one of the main akspekt.
  • The teacher is followed from the first lessons to remember names of children.
  • Still he shouldn't allocate favourites in a class.
  • Children feel it.
  • The author emphasizes that the teacher has to be charming.
  • To communicate with such teachers it is pleasant and comfortable.
  • I share the point of view of the author, all these aspects influence image creation.
  • “The key to the future is in our hands.” This proverb speaks about much.
  • Ourselves create ourselves conditions and we set before ourselves the purposes.
  • To become successful, it is necessary to work on itself every day.
  • We shouldn't be afraid to change.