
Text from TanyanaSmirnova - English

    • My plans for the future

    • Once in the second year of university our teacher Amina Shamilyevna Rudy asked to write an essay about my plans for the future.
    • A had not passed it.
    • I often think about my future, but rather as a result there is not a plant but some desires and dreams.
    • I want to live alone, I want to be understand, I want to teach, maybe even philosophy, though I do not quite understand it, but I love, it is not really plans.
    • I understand that I have not money for living alone and be understood and I have not some necessary ability for teaching, this is just a dreams.
    • But I hope that in one day I will raise my level and be able to achieve all this.
    • In fact, I think that plans sucks because they are rarely implemented.
    • One thing is to plan what you cook for dinner, but quite another is to plan your life.
    • But even nearest plans may well not be realized, for example did not the right products in the shop.
  • I have some plans, but life has another.
  • I think it is better to act according to the situation.
    • Most likely such philosophy of life will not lead to anything good and I ended up sitting on the neck of my parents or successfully marry.
    • Now the most importantly for me is to read a pile of books and write a term work.
    • And these are my plans for the future.