
Text from Dayuna - English

  • Reality shows

    • I have to admit that I spend little time in front of theTV.
    • Still, as everybody else I already saw a reality shows, and I am definetly not fond of.
    • Actually, I don't see the appeal of watching normal people at the tv whereas there are a lot around us in real life.
    • According to me, people enjoy reality shows because contestants give them the feeling to be superior : they mock at stupidity's contestants.
    • Regarding episodics tv shows, the ones where we follow a contestant only for one hour in his or her shooping day/ house/ kitchen, I think they're made to satisfay the telespectator's curiosity.
    • If these reasons are disappointfull, according to me the worst case is teenagers.
    • Indeed, teenagers are looking for theirself through these exaggerated personnalities, and I think reality shows make them dream of perfect love stories, perfect bodies, that they probably would not have beacause over there, everything is planned or fake.
    • Still, people think that reality shows will tell them a story, but more real than movies or books' stories, this is what is exaspering me.
    • Otherwise, a lot of reality shows defend values that I don't share : if a constestant wants to win, he has to do evrything he could to reach this goal, to the detriment of others.
    • Moreover, this kind of tv might be destructive for people who participate.
    • Indeed, between 1997 and 2012, eighteen old contestants commited a suicide.
    • We cant reproch them : they live for many months a fake reality, beeing watched all the time and the day after, they return to a normal life.
    • According to me, the fame is not worth there.
    • To conclud, I would say that even if reality shows are entertaining, they are definetly not great tv.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • Actually, I don't see the appeal of watching normal people at the tv whereas there are a lot around us in real life.
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    • Actually, I don't see the appeal of watching normal people at the tv whereason TV when there are a lot around us in real life.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
    • According to me, people enjoy reality shows because contestants give them the feeling to be superior : they mock at stupidity's contestants.
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    • According to meIn my opinion, people enjoy reality shows because contestantsthey give them thea feeling to beof superior ity: they mock athe stupidity's of contestants.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • Regarding episodics tv shows, the ones where we follow a contestant only for one hour in his or her shooping day/ house/ kitchen, I think they're made to satisfay the telespectator's curiosity.
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    • Regarding episodics tv showTV show episodes, the ones where we only follow a contestant only for one hour in his or and see him/her do his/her shoopping day/ house/ kitchen/housework/cooking, I think they're made to satisfay the telespectator'sviewers' curiosity.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • Indeed, teenagers are looking for theirself through these exaggerated personnalities, and I think reality shows make them dream of perfect love stories, perfect bodies, that they probably would not have beacause over there, everything is planned or fake.
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    • Indeed, teenagers are looking forseek a reflection of theirmself throughves in these exaggerated personnalities, and. I think reality shows make them dream of perfect love stories, and perfect bodies, that they could probably would not hanever achieve beacause over theren reality shows, everything is either planned or fake.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • Still, people think that reality shows will tell them a story, but more real than movies or books' stories, this is what is exaspering me.
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    • Still, people think that reality shows will tell them a story, but a more realistic story than movies or books' stories, twhis is what isch exasperingates me.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • Otherwise, a lot of reality shows defend values that I don't share : if a constestant wants to win, he has to do evrything he could to reach this goal, to the detriment of others.
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    • OtherwiseMoreover, a lot of reality shows defendpromote values that I don't share : if a constestant wants to win, he has to do everything he couldan to reach this goal, often to the detriment of others.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
    • We cant reproch them : they live for many months a fake reality, beeing watched all the time and the day after, they return to a normal life.
      Vote now!
    • We can't reproch them : they live a fake reality for many months a fake reality, beeing watched all the time, and the dayn continue to be watched even after, they return to a normal life.
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  • Sentence 13
  • Sentence 14