Text from vaness182 -
My kitty
- I'm doin' my thing, when my kitten came, jumped and sat on my lap, I love my cat, but today she dont want that I work, then, I went to my bed , brought her, and hands on the cat for tickle to my kitty.
- I feel very relaxing when I do tickle my cat.
- I took affection for the cats when I drew a little cat on my notebook in the art class, from that day onwards I love the cats, my cell phone is a little cat, my key chain is a cat from "chi's sweet home".
- Today my cat started to venture at Xiomy's home, but meow when she saw the dog.
- Now, I'm going to feed my kitty and latter I'm going to take my dinner, and probably I started to long in my favorite place where I'm with Xiomy and Fifi my kitty :D
- vaness182
November 2012
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