
Text de - English

    • Speak and write english : my dream!

    • Hello, I'm a french girl.
    • Since I heard english for the first time at school, I would like to speak and write this language as well as it was my native language.
    • I've tried to listen english songs, to watch english channel (euronews, CNN), to speak with each english people I could met...
    • In spite of all my efforts, I still not be able to reach my goal, to realize my dream...
  • In fact, I have a lot of difficulties to speak and above all to follow a speech.
  • I can understand only some words in a sentence but it isn't always enough to understand the global meaning.
    • A few days before to discover and subsribe to Polyglot Club, I bought a english book (The Body Farm, Patricia Cornwell).
    • I've heard that read an english book could help me to learn more words and extend my vocabulary.
  • As a result, I could understand more words and improve my comprehension.
    • I like to speak and to write, I'm just so sad to not be able to do this in english...
  • Read you soon ;-)