
Text de - English

  • Find people who will make you better.

    • This sentence is an obvious but I really like because it is a fact that in any field that you develop yourself need people to help you achieve success or meet that person who can be the one you take to success is very important to the relationships you get along in life you never know if the school will be your next partner.
    • The group of people with whom you interact insurance will learn a lot from them , greatly influence the relationships you have on life.
  • We must choose our friends very well


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  • Oració 1
    • This sentence is an obvious but I really like because it is a fact that in any field that you develop yourself need people to help you achieve success or meet that person who can be the one you take to success is very important to the relationships you get along in life you never know if the school will be your next partner.
      Vota ara!
    • This sentence is ankind of obvious but I really like it because it is actually a fact that in any field that you develop yourself need people to help you achieve success or meet that person who can be the one you take to success is very important to t. The relationships you get along in lifyour life are very importat because you never know if the school will be your next partner.
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1
  • Oració 2
  • Oració 3