
Text from jimsalsa - English

  • Cycling trip

    • Sometimes things do not quite go as they were planned.
  • We all can think of numerous situations where an event suddenly took an undesirable turn.
    • One such experience that I often remind myself of, because it turned out well and thus shows that there is always hope no matter how bad a situation might look at some point in time, is a cycling trip I made made last year.
    • Things started off pretty bad.
  • At the end of the first day my bike broke down in the middle of a dark forest.
  • The sun was already about to set and there was nobody in sight who could possibly help me.
  • Finally I had to push my bike until I came across some small village.
    • Although it was already late and the streets were deserted, after half-an-hour I heard somebody calling for me.
  • The person who had called was a middle-aged man, who seeing that I was in trouble, invited me over to his place in order to take a look at my bike.
  • We spent the evening together, he repaired my bike and when I left his home I had made myself a new friend.
    • The next day, after no more than 2 hours of cycling I encountered once again a problem.
  • All of a sudden, the front-wheel blocked and wouldn't spin anymore, so I was stuck next to noisy and highly-frequented road with my bike and the huge amount of luggage that I was carrying with me.
  • But just as the day before, somebody came to my rescue.
  • Only a couple of minutes after my bike broke down, an old woman stopped her car next to me and asked me whether I needed a lift.
  • Thanks to her help, I could get my bike repaired in a nearby cycling- store.
  • To put it into a nutshell, I think that encountering unpredictable twists and turns is part of life and we can not avoid them.
    • Moreover, I believe that this kind of experience is really valuable because it shows, that more often than not there is a solution to our problems.