
Tekst van MyLbrn - English

  • Travel broadens the mind

    • Take a trip, go somewhere else , in another region or another country .
    • This allows to see other horizons , to discover another person, other cultures.
    • It is for thisreason, that it is necessary to ask following question: do trips allow to open mind?
  • When traveling ,we learn many important things .
    • Indeed we discover a lot of things , which was unknown before us , we discover new practices, new diet, a new culture.Culture is one of the most beautiful things we have on this planet.
  • People are vibrant, loyal, playful, helpful, rhythmic, and communal.
  • Seeing and experiencing these cultures allows us to take a step back and think about our own culture.
  • Our lives aren’t set in stone; we are transient beings who can change and adapt.
  • There is beauty all around us and sometimes all it takes is seeing one person smile.
  • Thus, several differences exist , we no longer have to face , for a certain period , our normal daily lives.
  • Therefore, we must develop our mindset and accept these differences are between different countries and different people.
  • But that 's not all , we also adhere to this new way of thinking and living.
  • Make trips so lets give attention to our discovery and so become more tolerant with the world around us.
  • Travel helps us to not judge others, keep an open mind, and let whatever may be, be.
  • Travel allows us to see the world in ways we would never be able to understand in our home countries.
  • To conclude on this subject, I think any exposure to differences from our own every day lives can broaden our minds.
  • When we travel, we experience new and different things.
  • We experience other ideas and other values.
  • We also see different social norms and different lifestyles.
  • We also see different parts of the world and different sides of nature.
  • Experiencing a different landscape or different activites can also broaden our minds.
  • Travel allows us to experience new things as well as new sides to ourselves.
  • We might see something new in ourselves or discover new interests.