Kasaharaからのテキスト - English


    • First of all, I want to precise that both of two politics are vey important for all the countries, and a serious government , in my opinion, should not appear the discussion in these terms.
    • To improve the whealth and the standard of living in a country, in a immediate way, a government obtains his recourses by improving industrial skills more quickly.
    • This way the employment rate increases and is lower the necessity if foreign investiments.
    • But, on the other hand , the only way, to my seem, of maintaining the standard of living in a country is investing in education, creating the bases so that this population could develop his studies in the own country, in the future.
    • Otherwise the whole investiment would get lost, being part of the whealth of other countries.
    • To finish, if I woud to choose , I would prefer investing in education first, because I think is the better option in the long term.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English