Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Kasahara - English


    • Dear friend : You cannot believe how stressful and terrific experience I have just passed!
    • Now, When I am writing you this e-mail I can say that the situation has solved itself without no problems, but, that was the time I have most scared in all my life.
    • As you know I work as a self- employed, fixing and reparing big engines, and other machines.
    • Today I have received so much calls, of many sort of kinds : mu mother, hat she wanted me to help her with her washing machine, my college, who said that he felt sick and he probable keep the day resting at home.. and oher problems.
    • Because of that, I forget to to tie the ladder to the roof rack of the car, and while I was driving to Algeciras, the ladder was trown out along the road!!
    • Afortunetely, the rest of the drivers cold solve the situation and nobody were in hurt, but, I felt the fear from head to toe!!
    • What do you think about this? Regards,

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
  • câu 2
    • Now, When I am writing you this e-mail I can say that the situation has solved itself without no problems, but, that was the time I have most scared in all my life.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Now, When I am writing you this e-mail I can say that the situation has solvcorrected itself without noany problems, but, that was the time I havewas most scared in all my life.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2
  • câu 3
  • câu 4
    • Today I have received so much calls, of many sort of kinds : mu mother, hat she wanted me to help her with her washing machine, my college, who said that he felt sick and he probable keep the day resting at home.. and oher problems.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Today I have received so muchany calls, of; many sorts of kinds : muy mother, hat she wanted me to help her with her washing machine, my college friend, who said that he felt sick and he probable keepy would spend the day resting at home.. and other problems.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 4
  • câu 5
    • Because of that, I forget to to tie the ladder to the roof rack of the car, and while I was driving to Algeciras, the ladder was trown out along the road!!
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Because of all that, I forgeot to to tieput the ladder ato the roof rack of the car, and while I was driving to the Algeciras, the ladder was trowned out along the road!!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 5
  • câu 6
    • Afortunetely, the rest of the drivers cold solve the situation and nobody were in hurt, but, I felt the fear from head to toe!!
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • AfFortuneately, the rest of the drivers could solve the situation and nobody were inas hurt, but, I felt the fear from head to toe !!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 6
  • câu 7