
текст з - English

    • Unsually day

    • Talking about my day, one beauty day to finish the holy week celebrated in my town.
    • Erly in the morning everything looks normal, the same sun touching my windows telling me is time to take a shower.
    • I did it complacent, but suddenly I remembered "Today is sunday", my mates were planned an event so all the people who want to practice slackline in the Sabana park.
  • So without breakfast I went there, all the day we stay jumping, walking in the line.
    • But everybody went no just to practice slackline, as well people who practice Telas, Clavas and the funny ula-ula.
    • I use all of it, but late afternoon some guy came with an German weel, I looked the uncanny thing and ask him: what is that?
    • He explain to me, so wishful I start to prepare myself to use this thing, the fist time I do not put my feets ok so I fell, the secong try was even more funny because I achive to turn the weel but in the end already finish my trick I fell again.
    • All there stared to laugh, also me just it was so funny.
    • Some times we just have to smile to bad things and believe the it is not to bad, we can learn something about everything.

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