
Tekst fra - English

  • SUMMARY - Thank you in advance!

  • Laurent Pugin, in his article ‘The challenge of data in digital musicology’ states that the digital technology development depends in large part on an access and a scale of research.
  • The development in all disciplines in the humanities undergoes a vast change in musicology.
  • The reason of the fact is that the scholars in musicology base predominantly on text-based materials.
  • The field struggled for a long time with a limited availability of the sources, what caused an inclination of close-reading approaches.
  • However, the digital humanities enable to locate sources easier and at the same time give an online availability to them.
  • The author gives examples of some types of projects in for example: composer-specific, repertoire-oriented or library collection and describes their features and limitations.
  • A challenge of digital musicology projects is question of accessing large datasets that are essential while music analysis or music searching.
  • There are recited most popular and successful initiatives that took musicology to the next level but at the same time it is showed how much is to be done.
  • A next important challenge, that is claimed, is optical music recognition (OMR), because the actual tools are so imperfect that it requires very often transcriptions by hand.
  • While creating large datasets it is significant to consider such features as data quality or ensuring interoperability, because of the complexity and limitation that are in the field.
  • A the end the author outlines ways of development and opportunities that give us digital musicology projects.

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  • Title
  • Sætning 1
    • Laurent Pugin, in his article ‘The challenge of data in digital musicology’ states that the digital technology development depends in large part on an access and a scale of research.
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  • Sætning 2
  • Sætning 3
  • Sætning 4
  • Sætning 5
  • Sætning 6
    • The author gives examples of some types of projects in for example: composer-specific, repertoire-oriented or library collection and describes their features and limitations.
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  • Sætning 7
    • A challenge of digital musicology projects is question of accessing large datasets that are essential while music analysis or music searching.
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    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 7
  • Sætning 8
    • There are recited most popular and successful initiatives that took musicology to the next level but at the same time it is showed how much is to be done.
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  • Sætning 9
    • A next important challenge, that is claimed, is optical music recognition (OMR), because the actual tools are so imperfect that it requires very often transcriptions by hand.
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    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 9Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 9
  • Sætning 10
    • While creating large datasets it is significant to consider such features as data quality or ensuring interoperability, because of the complexity and limitation that are in the field.
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    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 10Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 10
  • Sætning 11