
Κείμενο από sant-spain - English

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    • However, as long as the US refers to itself as a democratic free country, it doesn’t matter how powerful it is, it will always need the general consent of a population which is not precisely very fond of imperialism.
    • So when it comes to convincing the general population, it is when propaganda and the exaltation of the American exceptionalism ideology are decisively important for the elites. Dwight D.
    • Eisenhower warned the U.S. in 1961, however it is too late now.
    • At this moment the US has the biggest military expenditure in the world, even during the financial crisis.
    • The military industrial complex now has become too big and too lucrative to be stopped.
    • They are untouchable, so they are going to keep selling arms and expanding American bases around the world, particularly in the Middle East, because its geo-strategic position and natural resources, not because of terrorism or human rights.
    • The US is exceptional in that they can do things like commit war crimes or overthrow democratically elected governments, but no other country can do the same, or even blame the US.