
Text from thuytram98 - English

    • hello.

    • i am a new member. i want to learn english. specially, my speaking. i want to find a person to help me. and i can help you to learn vietnamese. ths :)


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  • Sentence 1
    • i am a new member. i want to learn english. specially, my speaking. i want to find a person to help me. and i can help you to learn vietnamese. ths :)
      Stem nou!
    • i am a new member. i want to learn english. specially, my speaking. i want to find a person to help me. and i can help you to learn vietnamese. ths :)¶¶I am a new member. I want to learn English. Especially, my speaking. I want to find a person helps me. And I could help you to learn Vietnamese. Thanks :)
    • iI am a new member. iI want to learn eEnglish. , especially, my to speaking it. iI want to find a person to help me., and iI can help you to learn vVietnamese. thThanks :)
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1