
Text from ajulyav - English

  • The Earth’s oceans

    • The article states that there are two ways to describe the origin of the Earth’s oceans and provides two reasons to support this.
    • However, the professor explains that these ways are not so correct and refutes each of the offered reasons in the article.
  • The article claims that the water came from outer space.
  • The reason is the lack of water on other planets.
    • However, the professor states that people cannot be sure about this statement, because there are not a lot of evidences.
    • For example, scientist cannot learn the underground of Mars at this time, but it is possible to find water there in the near future.
    • The reading says that the water could come from comets.
    • Deuterium was found not only in the Earth’s oceans, but also different comets.
    • But the professor says that it isn’t be an evidence, because comets have double the amount as the oceans.