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    • Living in the city

    • There are lot people prefer living in the city, because here they have the best conditions of living.
    • Other say, that living in the country is better.
    • Who is right and who is wrong?
    • Living in a city has a lot of advantages.
    • It is often easier to find work.
    • It is very interesting for youth.
    • Also in the city are happen different events, such a concert, a premiere of film, etc. Every day you can spend time with satisfaction and benefit.
    • All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
    • However, for every plus there is a minus.
    • For one thing, unless your job is very well-paid, you won’t be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is very expensive.
    • You should to work a lot for good accommodations, but is not very good for a health.
    • What is more, in the city you stand in a traffic jam every morning and evening.
    • It breaks your nerve and it can lead to nervous disease.
    • In a world, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who search a way to success and don't care about the noise and pollution.
    • However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.