
Text from yananim - English

    • story about crime

  • One day John walked with his friends late into the night.
    • They had so much fun that they didn`t notice how how quickly the time has passed .
  • Now it was time to go home and each went his own way.
    • So John was going back home after this walking, he went on the dark empty street.
    • Suddenly mugger jumped out of the gate and started to threaten he.
    • Man wanted to take all the John`s money .
    • Mugger attacked him with a knife and John held out his purse and he grabbed it from him and ran away.John was in a state of shock as it was the first time anyone had mugged him.
    • Fortunatly, he was able to give the police a good description of the criminal and they caught him soon after.
    • John identified him as the mugger and he was given a prison sentence.