
Text von PaRisk - English

    • I live in France

  • I was born in Melun, Seine-et-Marne.
    • It's not really far away from Paris, I had just to take the subway to go to the capital.
    • During eleven years I lived in Savigny-le-Temple, another French city, but this place is a synonym of wounds and suffer for me...
    • After, we (my mom and me) were go to two or three others cities in the same region.
    • When my mom met my stepfather, she ask me if I wanted to follow her to Toulon (in the south of my country, in 800 km from Paris) or to stay with my father...
    • As I hate my father since my childhood, i decided to follow her without any hesitation !
    • Now, I am 20 and I live near to Toulon since four years now.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English