
Testo da Arimolukina - English

  • The problem of fast food

    • People`s attitude to eating out can be quite different: for some of them fast food is the only way to eat tasty and quickly, but others consider it is too unhealthy food.
  • In my opinion, people should eat healthy food.
    • First and foremost, eating out it`s harmful for peoples` health, it can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease.
    • Let us draw the attention to the USA, there are many eateries, for example McDonalds, Wendy`s, Burger King, which have an influx of buyers every day.
    • People eat more and more and don`t think about harm their health.
    • Secondly, fast food is a cause of overweight because prepared food such as hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, muffins contains saturated fat.
    • One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.
  • Some people eat out.
    • It is convenient for them because they have an opportunity not to waste of time.
  • Moreover, they find fast food delicious enough.
    • I don`t agree with this point of view because eating out becomes a kind of addiction for people, who often go to the eateries.
    • To sum it up, we should try to avoid fast food and eat healthy food.
    • People may face serious problems of our health if they aren`t to be careful of it.