
Text from Igman - English

  • Foreign Friends

    • As I told you some time ago, I am a kind of person that really love to learn about cultures and make different friends from different countries.
  • Well, three years ago I made my first foreign friend.
    • It was like the world suddenly opened the windows before my eyes.
  • And so, I started meeting people from all around the world.
  • Yeah, you can say that nowadays it is totally normal, everybody can do it if they have a good cellphone and internet connection, but I was surprised with the new things that I was discovering about the people.
    • Talking about my e-pals, some of them were really interesting people to talk and others, I don't know if it was a matter of oportunity or personal decisions, but were not so good conversations, it does not mean that they were bad people.
    • The important is that they helped me a lot with my studies, so, thank you guys!!
    • Some of them keep talking to me till now, but others I just talked for once or twice, but about deep ideas.
    • I remember of some kind of food that were really weird at first when they showed me this, and the diferences in our music too.
    • Today I talked to a friend that I have, that I met when I was 18 years old, and She told me that She was living in another city, and somethings like this, and I realized how good is make friends does not matter where they are from, because even if you do not know them personaly, they share some experiences with you that make you fell important to them.
    • What I want to say is that we can find precious friends around the world, and also some people that will disagree with you as happens in your own circle of life.
    • I want to thank every single one of my friends that I met through this journey that is already starting. See you!
  • Have a good weekend!


  • Titel
  • Sentence 1
    • As I told you some time ago, I am a kind of person that really love to learn about cultures and make different friends from different countries.
      Stem nou!
    • As I told you some time ago, I am athe kind of person that really love to learn about cultures and make different friends from different countriesaround the world.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • Yeah, you can say that nowadays it is totally normal, everybody can do it if they have a good cellphone and internet connection, but I was surprised with the new things that I was discovering about the people.
      Stem nou!
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • Talking about my e-pals, some of them were really interesting people to talk and others, I don't know if it was a matter of oportunity or personal decisions, but were not so good conversations, it does not mean that they were bad people.
      Stem nou!
    • Talking about my e-pals, some of them werI had some really interesting people to talk and othersconversations with some of them. However, Ii don't know if it was a matter of opportunity or personal decisions, but were not so good conversations, ia few of them were not really good. It does not mean that they were bad people. person is bad though.¶
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • Some of them keep talking to me till now, but others I just talked for once or twice, but about deep ideas.
      Stem nou!
    • Some of them keep talkI am still ing to me till now, but others I just talked fuch with some of them, and with the others it is more once or twice, but about deepccasionally to talk about deep and serious ideas.¶¶
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • I remember of some kind of food that were really weird at first when they showed me this, and the diferences in our music too.
      Stem nou!
    • I remember of some kind of food that were really weird at first when they showed me this, and the diferences in our music too.their food and music tastes that i found really different and bizarre the first place.¶
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 9VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
    • Today I talked to a friend that I have, that I met when I was 18 years old, and She told me that She was living in another city, and somethings like this, and I realized how good is make friends does not matter where they are from, because even if you do not know them personaly, they share some experiences with you that make you fell important to them.
      Stem nou!
    • Today I talked to a friend that I havof mine, that Ii met when I was 18 years old, and She told me that Sshe was living in an another city, and somethings like this, and I realized how good is make friends does not matter where they are from, because even if you do not know them personaly, they. At this moment, I realized the privilege of having a friend, and that it does not matter where they are from. Even if they are far from you, you know that you share somean experiences with you tha and it makes you felel important and special to them.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 10VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • What I want to say is that we can find precious friends around the world, and also some people that will disagree with you as happens in your own circle of life.
      Stem nou!
    • What I want to say is that we can find precious friends all around the world, and also some people that will disagree with you as happens in your own circle of life.. It is the circle of life, if one disagree.¶
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 11VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13