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Text z FernandoH - English

    • My favouritte subject

  • Hey!
    • I've to start to use this blog and I've to write about my favorite subject.
  • Well, since I started my career I've had so many courses and subjects and I think that my favorite subject is geology.
  • In this subject I studied all process involved on earth system, I learn about rocks, minerals, volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and many other things.
  • We had a teacher who was geologist and he teached us 10 or 12 different geologic themes.
  • I liked this subject because we (me and my classmates) learnt about so many things that we have in our country as volcanoes, islands, glaciers, mountains, etc. I remember I learnt so much about volcanic system and this year I visited a volcanic field called Timanfaya National Park and I recognize every form and volcano’s part that I learnt.
  • It was fantastic!
  • (yep, it’s so nerdy) I think if I choose physical geography I’d like to continue studying volcanoes, because we live upon the ring of fire (a volcanic system around the pacific ocean) and sometimes we have some events as “Chaitén disaster” or "Calbuco eruption" and I’d like to research it. And you!
  • ¿What’s your favourirte geography subject?