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    • MyPersonalBudget

    • To begin with, I’d like to talk about my expenses.
  • I tried to figure out the monthly expenses and I’d like to point out 9 items (on what I spend money) I spend money on.
    • This are: entertainment, food, clothing, college supplies, savings, personal care, transportation, my reserve and other things.
    • In the chart below is presented my expenses for the previous and actual month.
  • So, I’m going to analyse it.
  • The large percentage of expenses in the previous month were CLOTHING ( 48%).
  • Compare with actual month, spending on clothing dropped to 7,5%.
  • The percentage of OTHER, PERSONAL CARE AND ENTERTAINMENT fell from 16%, 14% and 12% to 9%, 2% and 3% accordingly.
  • Expenses on food increased from 10% to 26%.
  • I’d like to point out that food expenses are the largest expenses in actual month.
  • Spending on transportation grew to 7,5%.
  • Savings and Reserve increased to 24% and 15% accordingly.
  • I’d like to pay attention, that reserve is not a expense.